1. What are your plans for the former Kessler building?
We are bringing forward plans for Phase 1, which involves the redevelopment of the former Kesslers building and a car park located in the northern part of the site, into three modern industrial and sustainable buildings, flexibly built to accommodate a variety of businesses.
Our proposals will deliver 14,061 sqm of new floorspace, supporting up to 391 jobs (full-time equivalent) and 244 jobs (FTE) during construction.
Enhancements will be made to the local streetscape with new planting and trees, to create a more active and welcoming environment around Rick Roberts Way. This will also support local wildlife, achieving a biodiversity net gain of 20.5%
A more energy-efficient development will be created, reducing on-site carbon emissions by 59% and we are targeting a BREEAM rating of ‘Excellent’ – surpassing the recognised industry standard.
We will be reducing the total number of car parking spaces from 163 to 12 (-151). All these spaces will be fitted with electric charging stations, to encourage more sustainable travel.
2. Do you have any plans to redevelop the rest of the International Business Park site?
Yes, although our plans for the rest of the site, which includes the remaining buildings and Mercedes garage, are at an early stage. Further information will be shared with the local community in due course.
3. What is the business park currently used for?
In recent years, the site has been used by a variety of businesses including, industrial, logistics and commercial operators, as well as a printing press.
Kesslers has consolidated their operations elsewhere and their former building (the subject of this planning application) is now vacant. St Clements Press has also relocated from the site.
Travis Perkins and the Mercedes garage are currently operating from the site.
4. What are your sustainability targets for the proposals?
We are targeting BREEAM Excellent, surpassing the recognised industry standard.
We are providing 78 cycle spaces and reducing the total number of car parking spaces from 163 to 12 (-151). These will all be fitted with electric vehicle charging stations and 6 will be blue badge spaces (meeting DDA requirements).
New sustainable drainage systems will help to better manage surface water across the site.
Low solar coefficient glazing, alongside comfort cooling, will reduce the risk of overheating.
Overall, the plans will reduce carbon emissions by 59%.
We are also making a substantial investment in new greenery and landscaping across the site, that will lead to a biodiversity net gain of 20.5%.
This will also be an air quality neutral development.
5. How will vehicles access the site?
Vehicle access will be via the existing roundabout on Rick Roberts Way.
The alternative access to the former Kesslers building will be closed off, but the access to Travis Perkins will be maintained.
Drivers will be discouraged from using residential roads in the area and future occupiers will be required to issue vehicle routing plans to their suppliers and visitors to reinforce this.
6. What impact will the proposals have on the local community, especially residents living around Kerrison Road and Wise Road?
To reduce any disturbances to our neighbours, we are proposing to:
Install acoustic fences to minimise noise from site operations;
Develop an external lighting strategy which sets out how light spill and glow from the site will be reduced;
Retain a proportion of the planting along the boundary line to sustain a natural border, actively managed so it does not encroach on residents’ homes.
We have undertaken detailed technical studies to consider the potential impact on the daylight and sunlight levels of neighbouring properties. These reports concluded the development would not adversely affect the natural light levels of residents’ homes, including those located along Wise Road and Kerrison Road.
During the construction phase of works, we will ensure all operations are undertaken to the highest standards, to minimise potential disruptions to residents.
7. When will you be submitting a planning application?
The planning application was submitted to the LLDC in August 2023 and is currently live on the local authority’s planning portal.
8. When will you start construction on Phase 1?
Should our planning application be approved, we hope to start construction works in Summer 2024.
9. How will you keep residents informed about the project as construction works progress?
We will ensure local residents are notified about ongoing works via:
A regular series of newsletters will be distributed to the local community, detailing current and upcoming works – with site contact details displayed for residents.
A dedicated project Resident Liaison Officer will also be available for people to contact should residents have any questions about the construction programme.